Work in Progress at Alaman 3D Artworks. (Published: .)
Ξ The art of visualization
Nature: SARS-CoV-2 | COVID-19 | Corona. (Published: .)
Animatics and Storyboarding: background image for and (Published: .)
Architectural visualization: study on four blocks. (Published: .)
Animated film: background image for The Ramp. The Old and the Ugly strike back.. (Publishedt: .)
Product visualization: sketch for the background images at | (Published: .)
Architectural visualization: rough shadow simulation RS2. (Published: .)
Nature: summer in Berlin, . (Published: .)
Nature: atmospheric study #3. View from the window on . (Published: .)
Nature: atmospheric study #2. View from the window on . (Published: .)
Nature: atmospheric study #1. View from the window on . (Published: .)
Architectural visualization: rough planning, image of three images for a wall in Spandau on brick facade. (Published: .)
Architectural visualization, rough planning: Image of a possible future for a wall in Spandau on brick facade. (Published: .)
Universe: rough planning, image of the Milky Way with planets for a wall in Spandau on brick facade. (Published: .)
Nature: rough planning, image for a wall in Spandau on brick facade. (Published: .)
Architectural visualization: rough planning of the Heimwerkstadt | "City of Handymen" in Berlin Spandau. (Published: .)
Architectural visualization: buy me in French, blocking in. (Published: .)
Product visualization: continents. (Published: .)
Product visualization: continents on grid. (Published: .)
Product visualization: continents on double layer. (Published: .)
Product visualization: continents on double layer on grid. (Published: .)
Architectural visualization: water in abundance. (Published: .)
Architectural visualization: a first, rough color study for the renovation of four building facades. (Published: .)
Product visualization: claw hammer aka carpenter hammer, American style with equally long claws, handle made of hickory walnut wood. (Published: .)
Architectural visualization: the renovation is not finished yet. Although we still need to do a lot, you can already take a seat. That's something. (Published: .)
Product visualization: work on the Alaman 3D Artworks spaceship. (Published: .)